Brave New Critical Worlds: ChatGPT in English Literature OER Creation and Classroom Teaching

From the speaker "ChatGPT and other large language models are rapidly evolving tools that present special challenges and opportunities for English literature instructors. In this presentation, I will give an overview of how I used ChatGPT to assist in outlining and drafting the open Pressbooks textbook Critical Worlds: A Targeted Introduction to Literary Analysis(forthcoming Fall 2023). I will also share best practices from my literary analysis classroom, including how I encourage students to use ChatGPT to generate ideas, test their critical thinking skills, and reflect on their writing challenges. We will explore syllabus policy, assignment prompts, and academic integrity concerns around ChatGPT. Finally, I will share resources that instructors can use to encourage students to use ChatGPT and other AI tools in ethical and responsible ways."

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Brave New Critical Worlds: ChatGPT in English Literature OER Creation and Classroom Teaching







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From the speaker "ChatGPT and other large language models are rapidly evolving tools that present special challenges and opportunities for English literature instructors. In this presentation, I will give an overview of how I used ChatGPT to assist in outlining and drafting the open Pressbooks textbook Critical Worlds: A Targeted Introduction to Literary Analysis(forthcoming Fall 2023). I will also share best practices from my literary analysis classroom, including how I encourage students to use ChatGPT to generate ideas, test their critical thinking skills, and reflect on their writing challenges. We will explore syllabus policy, assignment prompts, and academic integrity concerns around ChatGPT. Finally, I will share resources that instructors can use to encourage students to use ChatGPT and other AI tools in ethical and responsible ways."

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