AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for Inquiry

According to the website, "As teachers who assign writing, we need to reckon with the possibility that our students may use writing generators to produce essays or parts of essays. These tools do not produce writing copied from human sources; the AI origin appears to be not reliably detectable either by human readers or by software.
To shape our individual and institutional responses to this new technology, writing teachers and scholars need more information about the kinds and quality of AI-generated text we can expect in response to common types of essay prompts. For example, we may want to design prompts that AI text generators are unskilled at performing, or we may want to find ways to use these generators pedagogically. Either way, as faculty responsible for teaching writing as impactful, ethical intellectual activity, we need to know what AI generators are capable of. And we need to understand the forms of bias and error that emerge in AI-generated writing."

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AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for Inquiry







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According to the website, "As teachers who assign writing, we need to reckon with the possibility that our students may use writing generators to produce essays or parts of essays. These tools do not produce writing copied from human sources; the AI origin appears to be not reliably detectable either by human readers or by software.
To shape our individual and institutional responses to this new technology, writing teachers and scholars need more information about the kinds and quality of AI-generated text we can expect in response to common types of essay prompts. For example, we may want to design prompts that AI text generators are unskilled at performing, or we may want to find ways to use these generators pedagogically. Either way, as faculty responsible for teaching writing as impactful, ethical intellectual activity, we need to know what AI generators are capable of. And we need to understand the forms of bias and error that emerge in AI-generated writing."

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