Crowdsourcing Ungrading

This resources is an open-source book created by the #Ungrading Virtual Book Club. From the Introduction of Crowdsourcing Ungrading, "This book represents the crowdsourced wisdom, reflections, failures, and triumphs of those educators exploring ungrading in their courses, at their institutions, and within their communities of practice. It contains contributions of all sizes, genres, and experiences. Whatever is honest and authentic about doing ungrading. Hopefully, you have come to this book with a deep interest in the ungrading phenomenon, especially as it relates to teaching during a global pandemic. More importantly, and regardless of any pandemic, it is assumed that the reading audience of this book is invested in a pedagogy of empathy, an approach that trusts students first and foremost. When the investment involves our students, nothing else compares."

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Crowdsourcing Ungrading






Date Created



This resources is an open-source book created by the #Ungrading Virtual Book Club. From the Introduction of Crowdsourcing Ungrading, "This book represents the crowdsourced wisdom, reflections, failures, and triumphs of those educators exploring ungrading in their courses, at their institutions, and within their communities of practice. It contains contributions of all sizes, genres, and experiences. Whatever is honest and authentic about doing ungrading. Hopefully, you have come to this book with a deep interest in the ungrading phenomenon, especially as it relates to teaching during a global pandemic. More importantly, and regardless of any pandemic, it is assumed that the reading audience of this book is invested in a pedagogy of empathy, an approach that trusts students first and foremost. When the investment involves our students, nothing else compares."

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