Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges

GoogleSlide deck created for a presentation at the Summer Meeting for the Council of Academic Affairs Commission on Information, Measurement, and Analysis for the Association for Public Land Grant and Universities by Abram Anders. Abram Anders is the Interim Associate Director of the Student Innovation Center and Associate Dean of English at Iowa State University. Anders's presentation slides provides background on generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs), and the opportunities and challenges for AI in education that include applications for AI literacy and innovating pedagogy.

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Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges






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GoogleSlide deck created for a presentation at the Summer Meeting for the Council of Academic Affairs Commission on Information, Measurement, and Analysis for the Association for Public Land Grant and Universities by Abram Anders. Abram Anders is the Interim Associate Director of the Student Innovation Center and Associate Dean of English at Iowa State University. Anders's presentation slides provides background on generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs), and the opportunities and challenges for AI in education that include applications for AI literacy and innovating pedagogy.

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