1947: Partition Archive

From the website: "The flagship crowdsourced oral history project has helped preserve nearly 9,500 memories of Partition witnesses. popularize the people's history of Partition has been accomplished through the founding and building of The 1947 Partition Archive which has preserved nearly 9,500 memories of Partition witnesses.Through the sharing of thousands of witness accounts millions of times over the last decade, the 'people's history' of Partition has been established and is now a growing and active area of research as well as new documentation efforts. The website can be used in-class, with an interactive map, on units discussing the effects of British Imperialism in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan from a non-Eurocentric point-of-view. "

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1947: Partition Archive






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From the website: "The flagship crowdsourced oral history project has helped preserve nearly 9,500 memories of Partition witnesses. popularize the people's history of Partition has been accomplished through the founding and building of The 1947 Partition Archive which has preserved nearly 9,500 memories of Partition witnesses.Through the sharing of thousands of witness accounts millions of times over the last decade, the 'people's history' of Partition has been established and is now a growing and active area of research as well as new documentation efforts. The website can be used in-class, with an interactive map, on units discussing the effects of British Imperialism in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan from a non-Eurocentric point-of-view. "

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