Don't Be a Copy Cat: Avoiding Plagiarism Workshop

From the research guide: "The Michael Schwartz Library is pleased to offer a series of online workshops for students who are hoping to earn extra or course credit, or for anyone interested in gaining more information about avoiding plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious offense, but many students struggle to avoid it, whether because they simply don't understand how to properly cite sources, are in a panic about turning in an assignment, or have learned from others that plagiarism can be a way to deal with information overload. This online plagiarism workshop attempts to achieve the following objectives:

provide the library a chance to help students who need assistance with citation
give students the opportunity to learn how to cite properly before being punished for making mistakes
allow faculty the ability to reduce plagiarism in their students' work without using valuable class-time"

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Don't Be a Copy Cat: Avoiding Plagiarism Workshop





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From the research guide: "The Michael Schwartz Library is pleased to offer a series of online workshops for students who are hoping to earn extra or course credit, or for anyone interested in gaining more information about avoiding plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious offense, but many students struggle to avoid it, whether because they simply don't understand how to properly cite sources, are in a panic about turning in an assignment, or have learned from others that plagiarism can be a way to deal with information overload. This online plagiarism workshop attempts to achieve the following objectives:

provide the library a chance to help students who need assistance with citation
give students the opportunity to learn how to cite properly before being punished for making mistakes
allow faculty the ability to reduce plagiarism in their students' work without using valuable class-time"

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