30+ Virtual Learning Platforms and Tools for Teachers and Kids

Title is self-explanatory.
From the article: "Teaching virtually? Virtual learning platforms are key for streamlining student login, hosting digital and interactive lesson plans, allowing for communication, launching video chats, and more! But there are so many out there, it’s hard to know to start. After a year of virtual teaching, we’ve learned a lot about the tech tools that really work, and the ones that don’t.

Of course, you’ll want virtual learning tools that sync with your district, have privacy policies that work with children, and contain the best fit for your needs. We’ve gathered the top ones here:"

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30+ Virtual Learning Platforms and Tools for Teachers and Kids





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Title is self-explanatory.
From the article: "Teaching virtually? Virtual learning platforms are key for streamlining student login, hosting digital and interactive lesson plans, allowing for communication, launching video chats, and more! But there are so many out there, it’s hard to know to start. After a year of virtual teaching, we’ve learned a lot about the tech tools that really work, and the ones that don’t.

Of course, you’ll want virtual learning tools that sync with your district, have privacy policies that work with children, and contain the best fit for your needs. We’ve gathered the top ones here:"

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