
From the website: "RemotEDx is a state-level initiative that brings together a unique mix of remote, hybrid, and blended learning partners from across the state to help schools and districts enhance, expand, and more effectively scale high-quality remote, hybrid, and blended education models. Consistent with Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education, RemotEDx places a premium on equity and seeks to support Ohio’s most underserved students."
Has resources for parents, students, and educators ranging from professional development to curriculum for PK-12.

Dublin Core






From the website: "RemotEDx is a state-level initiative that brings together a unique mix of remote, hybrid, and blended learning partners from across the state to help schools and districts enhance, expand, and more effectively scale high-quality remote, hybrid, and blended education models. Consistent with Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education, RemotEDx places a premium on equity and seeks to support Ohio’s most underserved students."
Has resources for parents, students, and educators ranging from professional development to curriculum for PK-12.

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