HyFlex Resources

Curated list of resources on HyFlex teaching by Dr. Lee Skallerup Bessette.

From the google document: "Many campuses are planning to teach courses in the Fall using a HyFlex approach, which is a combination of in-person and online students, crossing modalities. While HyFlex has been a long-standing practice, particularly for graduate programs, it is less well-known in an undergraduate setting, as well the ability to implement the approach on a campus-wide scale. To that end, this document seeks to collect resources on designing and teaching HyFlex courses."

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HyFlex Resources





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Curated list of resources on HyFlex teaching by Dr. Lee Skallerup Bessette.

From the google document: "Many campuses are planning to teach courses in the Fall using a HyFlex approach, which is a combination of in-person and online students, crossing modalities. While HyFlex has been a long-standing practice, particularly for graduate programs, it is less well-known in an undergraduate setting, as well the ability to implement the approach on a campus-wide scale. To that end, this document seeks to collect resources on designing and teaching HyFlex courses."

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