A specialized team at Cleveland State University, dedicated to ensuring student wellness and connecting students to the services they need to succeed. This service is NOT for emergencies, but for support and resources related to physical or mental health issues.
From the Care site: "Cleveland State University is committed to providing support to students in need, and to promoting a culture where the reporting of these concerns is encouraged. Here, you’ll find information on the CSU CARE Team, Care Management services, and how to make a report about a potential student concern."

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Ohio [n-us-oh]


A specialized team at Cleveland State University, dedicated to ensuring student wellness and connecting students to the services they need to succeed. This service is NOT for emergencies, but for support and resources related to physical or mental health issues.
From the Care site: "Cleveland State University is committed to providing support to students in need, and to promoting a culture where the reporting of these concerns is encouraged. Here, you’ll find information on the CSU CARE Team, Care Management services, and how to make a report about a potential student concern."

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