Implemnt Project

From the site: "IMPLEMnT aims to be a toolkit which will empower teachers to create original resources that support blended learning. Currently, no products on the market combine multiple approaches to support technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and incorporate underpinning pedagogy. This project aims to create a bank of resources by creating a peer driven community and then combine that with a technical space that will allow teachers to easily access information about technologies that can be used in their classrooms."

Dublin Core


Implemnt Project






From the site: "IMPLEMnT aims to be a toolkit which will empower teachers to create original resources that support blended learning. Currently, no products on the market combine multiple approaches to support technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and incorporate underpinning pedagogy. This project aims to create a bank of resources by creating a peer driven community and then combine that with a technical space that will allow teachers to easily access information about technologies that can be used in their classrooms."

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