Baldwin's Paris

From the site: "“Baldwin’s Paris” is a geospatial literary tool made up of over one hundred placemarks. The placemarks used in “Baldwin’s Paris” are references James Baldwin has made to buildings/monuments, restaurants/cafes, arrondissements/areas/street names, and residences in Paris that appear in his novels, collections of essays and short stories published during his lifetime. Each placemark includes a short paragraph citing where the reference can be found."

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Baldwin's Paris




Spatial Coverage

France [e-fr]


From the site: "“Baldwin’s Paris” is a geospatial literary tool made up of over one hundred placemarks. The placemarks used in “Baldwin’s Paris” are references James Baldwin has made to buildings/monuments, restaurants/cafes, arrondissements/areas/street names, and residences in Paris that appear in his novels, collections of essays and short stories published during his lifetime. Each placemark includes a short paragraph citing where the reference can be found."

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