Place-Based Education: Making the Case for an Investigation of Historical Precedents

From the editors "This article seeks to initiate an historical research agenda within the field of place-based education (PBE). A relatively new phrase in educational research, theory, and practice, the fundamental elements of place-based education are in fact quite mature and have deep historical roots. Despite a rich past, curricular historical work in the field is thoroughly underdeveloped. Following a brief characterization of the contemporary literature, three select historical illustrations are presented, each with the intent of highlighting both opportunities and deficiencies."

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Place-Based Education: Making the Case for an Investigation of Historical Precedents






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From the editors "This article seeks to initiate an historical research agenda within the field of place-based education (PBE). A relatively new phrase in educational research, theory, and practice, the fundamental elements of place-based education are in fact quite mature and have deep historical roots. Despite a rich past, curricular historical work in the field is thoroughly underdeveloped. Following a brief characterization of the contemporary literature, three select historical illustrations are presented, each with the intent of highlighting both opportunities and deficiencies."

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