
Miriam Scott is a Queensland-based secondary educator. There are three main parts of the site, redirecting to other sites.

Scott describes her site as follows:
"Focusing on change management, planning and management of organisations, strategic decision-making and various analytical tools. Primarily a resource for Queensland Senior Business teachers and students but is available for anyone who can use it.

A free resource that explores the transformative potential of generative AI in education. Including practical applications, essential readings, and pedagogical strategies designed to assist educators.

A free digital education program tailored for secondary education students to educate them with the tools needed to help them navigate their online world and to teach them that their online choices matter."

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Miriam Scott is a Queensland-based secondary educator. There are three main parts of the site, redirecting to other sites.

Scott describes her site as follows:
"Focusing on change management, planning and management of organisations, strategic decision-making and various analytical tools. Primarily a resource for Queensland Senior Business teachers and students but is available for anyone who can use it.

A free resource that explores the transformative potential of generative AI in education. Including practical applications, essential readings, and pedagogical strategies designed to assist educators.

A free digital education program tailored for secondary education students to educate them with the tools needed to help them navigate their online world and to teach them that their online choices matter."

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