Artificial Intelligence for Beginners: A Curriculum

Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Artificial Intelligence.

In this curriculum, you will learn:

Different approaches to Artificial Intelligence, including the "good old" symbolic approach with Knowledge Representation and reasoning (GOFAI).
Neural Networks and Deep Learning, which are at the core of modern AI. We will illustrate the concepts behind these important topics using code in two of the most popular frameworks - TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Neural Architectures for working with images and text. We will cover recent models but may lack a little bit on the state-of-the-art.
Less popular AI approaches, such as Genetic Algorithms and Multi-Agent Systems.

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Artificial Intelligence for Beginners: A Curriculum






Open Access


Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Artificial Intelligence.

In this curriculum, you will learn:

Different approaches to Artificial Intelligence, including the "good old" symbolic approach with Knowledge Representation and reasoning (GOFAI).
Neural Networks and Deep Learning, which are at the core of modern AI. We will illustrate the concepts behind these important topics using code in two of the most popular frameworks - TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Neural Architectures for working with images and text. We will cover recent models but may lack a little bit on the state-of-the-art.
Less popular AI approaches, such as Genetic Algorithms and Multi-Agent Systems.

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