Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigative Report

This report, created by Bryan Newland (Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs) through the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative, details "the U.S. law and policy framework of the federal Indian boarding school system and available historical records to develop the first official list of federal Indian boarding school sites and identify associated marked and unmarked burial sites...It reflects an extensive and first-ever inventory of federally operated Indian boarding schools, including summary profiles of each school and maps of general locations of schools in current states." 

Read more about the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative here.

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Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigative Report


Date Created



Spatial Coverage

United States [n-us]


This report, created by Bryan Newland (Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs) through the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative, details "the U.S. law and policy framework of the federal Indian boarding school system and available historical records to develop the first official list of federal Indian boarding school sites and identify associated marked and unmarked burial sites...It reflects an extensive and first-ever inventory of federally operated Indian boarding schools, including summary profiles of each school and maps of general locations of schools in current states." 

Read more about the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative here.

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