Dream Lab

Dream Lab is a week-long digital humanities training opportunity hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and designed to help humanists become more confident and thoughtful users, creators, and critics of digital technology. There are 9 courses to choose from, each of which combines technology instruction with practical application. Dream Lab is open to everyone but has been designed especially to serve early-stage scholars aspiring to be teaching faculty, research librarians, or archivists. In order to keep everyone safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the institute will be held entirely online.

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Dream Lab





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Dream Lab is a week-long digital humanities training opportunity hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and designed to help humanists become more confident and thoughtful users, creators, and critics of digital technology. There are 9 courses to choose from, each of which combines technology instruction with practical application. Dream Lab is open to everyone but has been designed especially to serve early-stage scholars aspiring to be teaching faculty, research librarians, or archivists. In order to keep everyone safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the institute will be held entirely online.

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