Microsyllabus: U.S. Abortion Politics in Context

From the website: "This microsyllabus highlights some recent feminist scholarship that can help us in that struggle and the struggles to come, balancing a specific focus on abortion with attention to the broader, shifting terrain of reproductive in/justice in the US. While liberal pro-choice political discourse continues to assume that reproductive freedom in the United States hinges on Roe v. Wade, these texts challenge common sense about Roe and remind us that rights-based appeals to the state have never been a reliable path to justice for those subjected to the state’s violence and exclusion. Together, they offer a critical-race feminist genealogy of the current political stakes of abortion in the United States, and they conjure visions for the future that prioritize mutual aid, community organizing, targeted demands for state-based support, and visionary strategies for building power and resources not dependent on liberal rights or recognition."

Dublin Core


Microsyllabus: U.S. Abortion Politics in Context






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United States [n-us]


From the website: "This microsyllabus highlights some recent feminist scholarship that can help us in that struggle and the struggles to come, balancing a specific focus on abortion with attention to the broader, shifting terrain of reproductive in/justice in the US. While liberal pro-choice political discourse continues to assume that reproductive freedom in the United States hinges on Roe v. Wade, these texts challenge common sense about Roe and remind us that rights-based appeals to the state have never been a reliable path to justice for those subjected to the state’s violence and exclusion. Together, they offer a critical-race feminist genealogy of the current political stakes of abortion in the United States, and they conjure visions for the future that prioritize mutual aid, community organizing, targeted demands for state-based support, and visionary strategies for building power and resources not dependent on liberal rights or recognition."

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