Monkeypox Microsyllabus

From the webpage: "What follows is just one iteration of a three-week module on monkeypox, modeled in part around questions my students have contemplated in other courses. It is under no circumstances comprehensive (no syllabus is) and its citational genealogy partly reflects my position as a medical anthropologist teaching in the US, partly my reading habits, and partly my experience teaching certain materials that galvanize student engagement. It’s a set of small provocations, not a strict primer.... Structurally, the elements of the mini-syllabus center around key questions emerging from specific touchstones. The touchstones give students a spot to zoom in for concrete particulars and to zoom out for big, transferable questions. They’re not tied to any one discipline or course topic, either, which is in keeping with my hope for re-mixing and re-thinking the connected teaching materials from wherever you’re sitting."

Dublin Core


Monkeypox Microsyllabus






Date Created


Instructional Method


Spatial Coverage

Asia [a]
Europe [e]
North America [n]
South America [s]
Africa [f]


From the webpage: "What follows is just one iteration of a three-week module on monkeypox, modeled in part around questions my students have contemplated in other courses. It is under no circumstances comprehensive (no syllabus is) and its citational genealogy partly reflects my position as a medical anthropologist teaching in the US, partly my reading habits, and partly my experience teaching certain materials that galvanize student engagement. It’s a set of small provocations, not a strict primer.... Structurally, the elements of the mini-syllabus center around key questions emerging from specific touchstones. The touchstones give students a spot to zoom in for concrete particulars and to zoom out for big, transferable questions. They’re not tied to any one discipline or course topic, either, which is in keeping with my hope for re-mixing and re-thinking the connected teaching materials from wherever you’re sitting."

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