Climate Files

From Climate Files: "Climate Files is an archival database of news, information and documents. Documents compiled here are from various sources and are derived from more than 20 years of research and data collection. They are organized by the date of the document’s publication. Climate Files is a project of the Climate Investigations Center and is made possible by and designed for legal researchers, advocates, and citizen journalists. If you have documents to contribute, please fill out the form below or submit them anonymously here. Climate Files is always adding to its collection, and hosts a feed of those updates here."

Dublin Core


Climate Files






Open Access



From Climate Files: "Climate Files is an archival database of news, information and documents. Documents compiled here are from various sources and are derived from more than 20 years of research and data collection. They are organized by the date of the document’s publication. Climate Files is a project of the Climate Investigations Center and is made possible by and designed for legal researchers, advocates, and citizen journalists. If you have documents to contribute, please fill out the form below or submit them anonymously here. Climate Files is always adding to its collection, and hosts a feed of those updates here."

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