Wild West Women

An organization whose's goal is to produce, distribute, and present educational films and accompanying educational materials, like study guides; input and share on social media; provide training in independent filmmaking, with special efforts to include women and girls of diverse cultures; collaborate with other organizations, artists and filmmakers, through sponsorship, fiscal conduit, and co-production; establish workshops and classes, as well as living, creative, and presentational spaces.

Dublin Core


Wild West Women






Spatial Coverage

United States [n-us]


An organization whose's goal is to produce, distribute, and present educational films and accompanying educational materials, like study guides; input and share on social media; provide training in independent filmmaking, with special efforts to include women and girls of diverse cultures; collaborate with other organizations, artists and filmmakers, through sponsorship, fiscal conduit, and co-production; establish workshops and classes, as well as living, creative, and presentational spaces.

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