The Adore Project

According to the website's main page, "The Accessible Diverse Orchestral Repertoire Equity (ADORE) Project is created by three collegiate orchestra conductors committed to broadening and bringing greater diversity to the repertoire of smaller orchestra programs. Beyond the rich traditions of what one would call the “standard” orchestral composers and repertoire, there is a treasure of lesser-known and seldom performed works, particularly those composed by women, composers of color and composers of diverse ethnicity. It is these distinguished composers and their works we hope to highlight and bring to a wider audience."

Dublin Core


The Adore Project





Spatial Coverage

Asia [a]
Europe [e]
Africa [f]
Indian Ocean [i]
North America [n]
South America [s]
Australasia [u]


According to the website's main page, "The Accessible Diverse Orchestral Repertoire Equity (ADORE) Project is created by three collegiate orchestra conductors committed to broadening and bringing greater diversity to the repertoire of smaller orchestra programs. Beyond the rich traditions of what one would call the “standard” orchestral composers and repertoire, there is a treasure of lesser-known and seldom performed works, particularly those composed by women, composers of color and composers of diverse ethnicity. It is these distinguished composers and their works we hope to highlight and bring to a wider audience."

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