The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany

According to website- "We explore the connection between the U.S. military presence abroad and the advancement of civil rights in the U.S. We investigate the role that African-American GIs played in carrying the civil rights movement to Germany, which was host to the largest contingent of U.S. troops deployed outside the U.S."

Dublin Core


The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany




Date Created



Spatial Coverage

North America [n]
Europe [e]
Germany [e-gx]


According to website- "We explore the connection between the U.S. military presence abroad and the advancement of civil rights in the U.S. We investigate the role that African-American GIs played in carrying the civil rights movement to Germany, which was host to the largest contingent of U.S. troops deployed outside the U.S."

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