2021 Walter A. Strauss Lecture Series - Can Robots Feel Pain? The “Science of the Soul” and the Personhood of Things

This lecture is an in person event, scheduled to take place on November 3rd at 5pm. RSVP requested.
From the event: "In this lecture, Johnson interprets the work of Ibn Rushd (Averroës), the twelfth-century Islamic scholar of Andalusia who achieved renown as the “father” of secularism, in order to elucidate Ibn Rushd’s theory of the intellect as a power of the soul. Johnson leverages Rushd’s distinction between sensing and knowing in order to examine contemporary, sensory-driven AI technology (particularly brain-computer-interface architectures) as a uniquely generative problem of interest for humanists and technical experts alike. Of central importance is the sensation of pain, as it constitutes a phenomenon of embodiment, a category of human experience, and a political problem."

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2021 Walter A. Strauss Lecture Series - Can Robots Feel Pain? The “Science of the Soul” and the Personhood of Things






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This lecture is an in person event, scheduled to take place on November 3rd at 5pm. RSVP requested.
From the event: "In this lecture, Johnson interprets the work of Ibn Rushd (Averroës), the twelfth-century Islamic scholar of Andalusia who achieved renown as the “father” of secularism, in order to elucidate Ibn Rushd’s theory of the intellect as a power of the soul. Johnson leverages Rushd’s distinction between sensing and knowing in order to examine contemporary, sensory-driven AI technology (particularly brain-computer-interface architectures) as a uniquely generative problem of interest for humanists and technical experts alike. Of central importance is the sensation of pain, as it constitutes a phenomenon of embodiment, a category of human experience, and a political problem."

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