The Literacy Cooperative

From the "About Us" segment on their website:
"The Literacy Cooperative is an umbrella organization that brings foundations, organizations and people together to find practical solutions to improve literacy. We are mobilizing Northeast Ohio resources to increase reading, math and digital literacy, beginning at birth, so our kids are performing at grade level throughout their educational journey.
We are sharing our research and introducing best practices and pilots that are innovative, interactive, and effective.
The Literacy Cooperative provides oversight and overall strategic coordination currently not being fulfilled by individual providers."

Dublin Core


The Literacy Cooperative





Date Created


Spatial Coverage

United States [n-us]
Ohio [n-us-oh]


From the "About Us" segment on their website:
"The Literacy Cooperative is an umbrella organization that brings foundations, organizations and people together to find practical solutions to improve literacy. We are mobilizing Northeast Ohio resources to increase reading, math and digital literacy, beginning at birth, so our kids are performing at grade level throughout their educational journey.
We are sharing our research and introducing best practices and pilots that are innovative, interactive, and effective.
The Literacy Cooperative provides oversight and overall strategic coordination currently not being fulfilled by individual providers."

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