Critical Design Lab

According to the description on the website, "The Critical Design Lab is creating an online archive of the ways disabled people have used remote access before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. An archive is a website for sharing stories and documents. The Remote Access Archive will gather stories, documents, and other information about how disabled people have used technology to interact remotely. The archive will be free and on an accessible website. Anyone with internet access will be able to use the website to better understand remote access."

Dublin Core


Critical Design Lab






Spatial Coverage

Asia [a]
Europe [e]
Africa [f]
North America [n]
South America [s]
Australasia [u]


According to the description on the website, "The Critical Design Lab is creating an online archive of the ways disabled people have used remote access before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. An archive is a website for sharing stories and documents. The Remote Access Archive will gather stories, documents, and other information about how disabled people have used technology to interact remotely. The archive will be free and on an accessible website. Anyone with internet access will be able to use the website to better understand remote access."

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