Syllabus Generator

From the resource: "We’ve created the Syllabus Generator to help instructors quickly generate a syllabus for a class.

Enter the basic information for your course, pick your teaching days (M,W,F, or T,H, or M,T,W,H,F), time of class, etc. Enter beginning and end dates of the semester.

Enter your class plans for each day (you can copy and paste material from previously created syllabi) or write new plans.

You can add various sections as needed: course description, course policies, grading and assessment, university policies, etc. and enter the text you need for those sections.

Once you’ve filled out the form, you can export all the information as a text doc and customize as you wish (add pictures, weblinks, etc.)."

Dublin Core


Syllabus Generator





Spatial Coverage

United States [n-us]


From the resource: "We’ve created the Syllabus Generator to help instructors quickly generate a syllabus for a class.

Enter the basic information for your course, pick your teaching days (M,W,F, or T,H, or M,T,W,H,F), time of class, etc. Enter beginning and end dates of the semester.

Enter your class plans for each day (you can copy and paste material from previously created syllabi) or write new plans.

You can add various sections as needed: course description, course policies, grading and assessment, university policies, etc. and enter the text you need for those sections.

Once you’ve filled out the form, you can export all the information as a text doc and customize as you wish (add pictures, weblinks, etc.)."

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