Edit Videos Like a Pro: The 12 Best Free Video Editing Software Programs for 2021

This resource provides a list of photo editing platforms that teachers can use to supplement instruction within their classrooms. The following is from the resource: "Good video editing software can help you showcase your products from every angle by producing professional promos for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or anywhere else you share brand videos. There are a number of easy-to-use free video editing programs that can help you stand out from your competition."

Dublin Core


Edit Videos Like a Pro: The 12 Best Free Video Editing Software Programs for 2021






This resource provides a list of photo editing platforms that teachers can use to supplement instruction within their classrooms. The following is from the resource: "Good video editing software can help you showcase your products from every angle by producing professional promos for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or anywhere else you share brand videos. There are a number of easy-to-use free video editing programs that can help you stand out from your competition."

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