Lightworks: How to Download Lightworks (2021 Tutorial)

This resource explains how to download and install Lightworks. For teachers and students who have access to capable computers, Lightworks is a free alternative to more costly video editing programs such as iMovie, Final Cut Pro, or Adobe Primiere Pro. Having access to cost effective video editing software allows for students and teachers to be able to create high quality digital stories.

The following is from the resource: "How to download lightworks in 2020/2021 tutorial. Lightworks is a free video editor that is supported for Windows, MacOS and Linux. The video editor is easy to use and has a clean and professional looking interface."

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Lightworks: How to Download Lightworks (2021 Tutorial)







This resource explains how to download and install Lightworks. For teachers and students who have access to capable computers, Lightworks is a free alternative to more costly video editing programs such as iMovie, Final Cut Pro, or Adobe Primiere Pro. Having access to cost effective video editing software allows for students and teachers to be able to create high quality digital stories.

The following is from the resource: "How to download lightworks in 2020/2021 tutorial. Lightworks is a free video editor that is supported for Windows, MacOS and Linux. The video editor is easy to use and has a clean and professional looking interface."

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